Sunday, October 1, 2017
MEP inc.

Announcement: Merger of MEP Inc. (Montreal) & MEP Drives (Oakville) Dear Colleagues and Valued Customers, We are pleased to advise that MEP Inc. and MEP Drives will formally merge into one company effective October 1st 2017. It is our staunch belief that this merger will bring about positive changes and a brighter future for all connected moving forward. At MEP our focus and long term vision remains the same:
- Provide our customers with quality customer service and the utmost of respect with every transaction.
- Continue to be a market leader in providing an excellent value proposition with the quality, price and availability of all our products.
- Never allow complacency to take root – push for continual improvement in all our facets of operation.
This merger will result in greater internal efficiencies that can only help our single minded focus and capabilities in serving our valued customers. Please continue to address your inquiries and business transactions within the normal channels and account representatives set up currently. Payment Instructions will change for customers located in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, and United States. Please update all your records to show our new name will be MEP Inc.
Options include the following:
- Send Cheques to: MEP, 10021 Renaude-Lapointe, Anjou, Quebec, H1J 2T4
- CND Electronic Transfers: National Bank Of Canada, Institution-006, Transit-10831, Account # 04-393-21
- USD Wire Transfers: National Bank Of Canada, Swift Code: BNDC CAMM INT, Branch CC006-10831, Account # 00-419-64, Beneficiary MEP Inc
All correspondence or payment details to be sent to: Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, comments or concerns as needed. We welcome any feedback that you can share and thank-you for both your time and understanding. Sincerely Daniel Frenette President MEP Inc